Ryan Malham


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  • david from selma, NC created a 3D building design!

Take a look at what was just created by david in selma, NC! This building is 12x35x12. It’s a sunny Friday afternoon in Selma, NC and David is looking forward to the weekend. As he sits in his cluttered garage, he can’t help but think about all the things he needs to store but doesn’t have space for. But little does he know, in just a few short weeks, his storage problems will be solved thanks to the metal building he’s ordered.

When David first heard about the metal buildings from Selma, NC, he was hesitant. He wasn’t sure if it was the right choice for him. But after doing some research and talking to friends who have one, he was convinced that this was the solution he needed.

Not only will the metal building provide David with ample storage space, but it will also improve the organization of his belongings. With shelves and hooks, he’ll be able to easily find what he needs without digging through piles of boxes. And with the sturdy metal construction, he won’t have to worry about his items getting damaged by the elements.

But the benefits don’t stop there. The metal building will also add value to David’s property. As a homeowner, this is a great investment for the future. Plus, with the current season being spring, it’s the perfect time to get the building installed before the hot summer months arrive.

David can’t wait to see the finished product and start using his new storage space. He knows that this metal building will not only make his life easier, but it will also bring a smile to his face every time he walks into his organized and clutter-free garage.

So, as the weekend approaches, David is excited for what the future holds. And with the help of the metal building from Johnston County, NC, he knows that his storage problems will soon be a thing of the past.
See the design in the 3D building editor here. Feel free to edit the building and request a quote for your own version today.

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