Posted in  Wooden Building FAQs   on  January 4, 2023 by  Ryan Malham
floor joist during construction
Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash


Floor joists are an important building component for modern homes, and for good reason – floor joists are incredibly sturdy and enable medium-to-large sized homes to be built. They are typically made from either engineered lumber or pressure-treated lumber, and they come in various sizes and lengths to meet their use. Whether you’re looking to complete a home renovation or to build a new structure, floor joists are a necessity. Read on to find out more about what floor joists are, their main purpose, the benefits of installing them, and how to incorporate them into your home design.

Understanding the Basics of Floor Joists

Floor joists are in the shape of a rectangular beam that spans the length of a room and carries the majority of its load-bearing weight. It is typically connected to the wall beneath at its full depth along the wall’s entire length, and this connection is known as a ledger board.The ledger board then attaches to the joists together with joist hangers. Joists usually run perpendicular to the walls of the building, which ultimately creates an “X” shaped framework in which floor boards and floorboards can be placed in. Floor joists are usually 12–16 inches in size.

The Main Purpose of Floor Joists

The main purpose of floor joists is to provide a secure and stable foundation for the upper floors of a house. The joists act as a bridge between the floor and the wall, creating a rigid and secure base for the floors above. The joists are also responsible for distributing the weight of the floors and occupants across the length of the joists, as well as providing precise measurements which enable walls and other components to be erected with precision.

The Benefits of Installing Floor Joists in Your Home

Floor joists provide several benefits for the overall construction and stability of your home. These benefits include:

  • Increased stability: Floor joists provide a secure base and increase the overall stability of your home.
  • Improved insulation and soundproofing: Because floor joists are made from wood, they provide a natural source of insulation which can help to keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
  • Increased lifespan: Floor joists can guarantee your home will last a long time and provide a secure foundation for your home.

Exploring Different Types of Floor Joists

There are two primary types of floor joists that are available today: engineered lumber and pressure-treated lumber. Engineered floor joists are made from a combination of wood and other materials such as steel, and they are usually more durable and longer-lasting than their counterparts. Pressure-treated floor joists are made from all-wood materials, and they are much more affordable than engineered floor joists. Both types of joists are generally used for the same purpose, so it’s important to take into account factors such as cost, lifespan, and suitability for your needs.

How to Incorporate Floor Joists into Your Home Design

When incorporating floor joists into your home design, it’s important to take into account the size and weight of your ceilings. If the ceilings are too high to span the entire length of the joists, you may need to incorporate additional support posts to form a more stable structure. Additionally, it’s important to consider the type of flooring you’re dealing with and make sure that the floor joists are suitable for that particular type of flooring.


In summary, floor joists are an important building component for modern homes that provide a secure and stable foundation for the upper floors of a house. They are typically made from either engineered lumber or pressure-treated lumber, and they come with several benefits such as increased stability and improved insulation and soundproofing. When incorporating floor joists into your home design, it’s important to take into account factors such as cost, lifespan, and suitability for your needs.

About the Author:

Ryan Malham
As owner and founder of Hinton Buildings, Ryan has a wealth of knowledge related to both wooden and metal storage buildings.

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